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Fluocells prepared slides
Thermo Fisher Scientific, F36924
Confocal (on the left), CODIM (on the right), scalebar 500 nm, 488 nm and 561 nm excitation lasers, overlay, 60x 1.49 NA objective on C2 Nikon. Mitochondria tagged with Mitotracker Red CMXRos and F-Actin tagged with Alexa 488 Phalloidin on BPAE cells.
Nanorulers 120 nm
Confocal (on the left), CODIM (on the right), scalebar 500 nm, 488 nm excitation lasers, 60x 1.49 NA objective on C2 Nikon. Single color nanorulers carry two fluorescent marks out of a dense arrangement of high quantum yield dye molecules. Mark to mark distance is 120 nm.